We all love our pets, but we don’t love cleaning up their fur. It gets everywhere from the couch to our clothes, but no spot is more stubborn than the rug. Fur embeds itself in the fibers, especially the high-pile variety, and replenishes itself on a daily basis. If you’re tired of vacuuming to no…
In addition to being gentle on the rug (or carpet, for that matter), a squeegee is a veritable magnet for pet hair. Use it the same way you would on anything else: Run the rubber blade along the rug’s surface in a sweeping motion, allowing you to easily lift and gather the pet hair. From there, use the vacuum as you normally would — only now, it’ll get rid of all the fur, not just surface-level debris.
Below the Surface
You may need to squeegee every other day or once a week, depending on how many pets you have, how much they shed, and your rug or carpet type. The good news is that a squeegee is just as effective on upholstery, car interiors, bedding, and even hardwood. They’re sold online and at most big-box stores, usually for around $10.
You can also prevent buildup by regularly brushing your furry friend. A good brush will also set you back $10 or so, and many pets love it. Regular brushing is proven to have many benefits beyond ensuring your rugs and carpets stay clean: keeping your pet’s skin healthy, their coat shiny, and even strengthening your bond with them.