Picture this: You’re on your way out the door, but the zipper on your wool chore coat won’t budge. You can’t imagine ever finding a suitable replacement — it’s vintage Hudson’s Bay, after all. Before you toss it in the donation pile or drop it off at the sewist, there’s a quick and easy fix…
Step 1: Inspect the zipper for any fabric caught in the teeth. If you find any, make sure you have a firm grip on the fabric (you may want to use tweezers for this part), and pull it away from the zipper as you zip in the opposite direction. If that doesn’t solve the problem, move on to the next step.
Step 2: Reach for a tube of lip balm (or even better, a jar of petroleum jelly) and apply the product to both sides of the zipper teeth, using your finger to rub it in. Grab the pull and tug it toward the snag. The lip balm will act as a lubricant and should release the stuck zipper easily.
If you don’t have any lip balm or petroleum jelly on hand, you can employ the same method using a graphite pencil, olive oil, wax paper, or solid deodorant instead. This hack also works wonders on zippers that are stubborn but not completely stuck. (Looking at you, zip-up ankle boots.)
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So, the next time you encounter a stuck zipper on a purse, pair of jeans, or throw pillow cover, remember this helpful hack and avoid the frustration. It works in seconds and creates minimal mess, especially if you apply the lip balm with a cotton swab or detail paintbrush.
If, in an effort to fix a stuck zipper, you pull too hard and it splits apart, there’s a simple way to repair it. Locate the slider, the part just below the pull that joins or separates the teeth — most often, the problem is simply that it has opened too wide and needs reshaping. Guide the slider toward the middle of the zipper, if possible, to give yourself more room to work. Take a pair of needle-nose pliers and clamp them around the slider, squeezing it gently to narrow the opening. Voilà — your favorite weekender bag is saved.