Even a sleuth like Sherlock Holmes may overlook all of the hidden clutter hot spots that plague the average household. These messes tend to grow out of control right under your nose, and you might not even notice them.
Ready to tackle those long-neglected cleaning projects but not sure where to start? We’re here to shed some light on potential disaster areas and how to manage them. After all, there’s no better time for a refresh than at the start of a new year. Here are six hidden clutter hot spots to conquer as we enter 2025.
Cords and Cables
When they’re tucked behind the TV, it’s easy to overlook that rat’s nest of interweaving cords and cables. The same goes for your workspace, kitchen countertop, or any other area with multiple appliances plugged into the wall. Organizing your stash now will make it far easier to find a specific cable when you need to recharge your video doorbell or connect your computer to a monitor.
We recommend adjustable ties to keep lesser-used cords and cables neatly organized, or perhaps magnetic cable clips that adhere to the side of your desk and can separate your computer charger from the HDMI cable. Be sure to remove any cables that aren’t in use and either recycle them through an electronic waste program or store them in a handy case for future use.

Board Games
Think of the memorable family game nights you’ve had over the years and how all of those loose Monopoly pieces probably ended up in a jumbled mess. You could sort the pieces whenever it’s time to play, but you might realize that something is missing at the last minute. (Plus, who wants to waste precious time with loved ones trying to reorder wayward cards or track down lost tokens?) Do your future self a solid and be proactive — organize those games right now.
These plastic organizers let you ditch the cardboard boxes and keep your board games safe and secure. They’re made of clear plastic and feature a stackable design for easy storage. You can also double up and buy some of these small storage containers, which are perfect for game tokens, dice, and other pieces that may otherwise get lost.

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It’s especially easy to overlook clutter that isn’t tangible. For instance, you may currently be subscribed to dozens of websites and streaming services you seldom use. Now is a great time to do an inventory of these services and your usage. If you realize that it’s been six months since you last watched something on Apple TV+, you can probably get rid of that subscription for now. Or maybe you signed up for The Wall Street Journal but barely read any of the articles; that should go, too. Remember, you can always resubscribe later if you change your mind.

Bags and Pockets
Reach into your purse or the pockets of your winter coat and you may be surprised at all of the loose change and gum wrappers that have been floating around in there since who knows when. Take bags, jackets, pants, and anything else with a concealed pouch, and empty them out so you can organize everything. Some items are worth keeping — like extra contact lenses, jewelry, or chapstick — but most of that junk can go straight in the trash, leaving your jackets and accessories much cleaner. Who knows — you may even find a crumpled up, long-forgotten $20 bill.

Medicine Cabinets
Chances are, you no longer need that bottle of prescription medication from 2018, yet it’s still taking up valuable space in the medicine cabinet. I’m speaking from experience, as I recently reorganized my medicine cabinet and was shocked at the amount of useless or expired junk that was in there. Start by removing everything, and then slowly add back in the products you still use. Throw away expired makeup and safely dispose of expired or unused medications. Old products aren’t as effective anyway, so consider replacing them with fresh ones.
Note: While most medications can be thrown away in the household trash, certain types of prescription and over-the-counter drugs should be flushed down the toilet or brought to a take-back location, according to the FDA.

Your Car
After a long day of commuting to and from work, nobody wants to spend more time in their car than necessary. But this often leaves our cars in states of neglect, and we’re not just talking about the old fast-food cartons piling up on the floor. Think of all the hidden clutter tucked out of sight in the center console, the glove compartment, under the seats, between the cushions … the list goes on and on. Set aside some time to clean every inch of your car. Although you might not see a dramatic difference, it should provide peace of mind knowing there are no more crumbs between the seats.

Just remember: Cleaning takes time, and you won’t be able to get to everything in one day. But if you make decluttering a regular part of your routine, you should see some positive changes in no time at all.