Placing an open box of baking soda in the back of the refrigerator is a natural way to neutralize any off-putting odors, whether they’re from last week’s leftovers or the blue cheese you were saving for a Cobb salad.
But if you notice a stench emanating from your fridge and don’t want to run out to the store to grab a new box of baking soda, there’s a simple solution using two other ingredients you probably have on hand.
Salt-and-Coffee Fridge Freshener
Combining ground coffee and salt can eliminate bad smells from a fridge. Both ingredients work as natural odor absorbers. Coffee has a porous structure that allows it to absorb moisture and odors. Similarly, salt has a neutral pH level that helps balance odor-causing compounds and also absorbs moisture. Together, coffee and salt bind to odor molecules, preventing them from being released into the air.
If the scent of a particularly pungent food lingers long after it’s been tossed, grab some ground coffee and salt and follow these steps.
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How To Get Rid of Foul Refrigerator Odors
Unless you exclusively drink tea, you probably have a bag or two of ground coffee in your pantry. Save the expensive beans for your morning brew and opt for something cheap and cheerful. Combine 1 tablespoon of ground coffee with 1 tablespoon of salt and place it in the center of a rectangular sheet of aluminum foil (we used a 12-by-6-inch piece). Fold the top third of the aluminum foil down, and the bottom third up to form a long, skinny rectangle. Then fold the left side into the center, followed by the right side, to create a sealed pouch. Use a fork or toothpick to punch a few holes through the top layers of foil and place the pouch in an area of your refrigerator where it can absorb and neutralize unpleasant odors. Consider making a few pouches to stick in the door, on a shelf, or in the crisper.
How To Use Coffee and Salt To Eliminate Other Household Odors
You can use a combination of coffee and salt to get rid of bad smells throughout your home. Put the mixture in a container with holes in the lid and place it wherever it’s needed, such as a shoe closet or cat litter box area. Just be sure to replace the coffee and salt every two months for optimal freshness.