The great thing about Costco is the potential to save big by buying in bulk. The frustrating thing about Costco is that you can only buy in bulk quantities. This can be irritating if you have a small household, or see a great deal on something you only use sporadically. While bulk buying works for…
Pesto and Garlic
Pesto’s bright color and aroma make it summertime in a jar, and you can’t go wrong keeping it in your fridge. That said, the Kirkland Signature basil pesto is much bigger than its supermarket equivalent — a whopping 22 ounces — and it’s often hard to finish before mold develops. The answer? Get it into your freezer.
You could simply place one of the plastic jars in your freezer, as pesto maintains a firm, yet scoopable consistency when frozen. However, packaging it into zip-seal freezer bags is even more convenient because they can be stored flat and take up minimal space. When you want to use the pesto, just open the bag, break off a piece, and drop it into your pan.
You can use the same freezing technique with those 3-pound bags of peeled garlic cloves. Put them through your food processor in small batches, with just enough oil to help them puree to a smooth paste. Scoop the puree into zip-seal bags, press them flat to squeeze out any air, freeze them, and break off a spoonful as needed.

Frozen shrimp are a supremely versatile ingredient. Unless you’re fortunate enough to live in a place where fresh-caught shrimp are readily available, individually quick-frozen (IQF) shrimp aren’t a compromise; they’re your top-quality option. The shrimp are commercially blast-frozen immediately after harvest, so they stay super fresh.
To extend their shelf life in your freezer, open up the bulk bag and separate the shrimp into meal-sized portions. Use a vacuum sealer, if you have one, to maintain freshness; otherwise, use zip-seal bags and suck out as much air as possible with a straw. Pull out the preportioned bags and cook as needed for stir-fries, salads, or grilling.

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Baked Goods
Costco’s in-store bakery stocks some delicious items, albeit in “feeding an army” quantities that can be intimidating to smaller households. Most of these baked goods lend themselves to freezing, in their respective ways. Let’s look at a few, and how they should be frozen.

Breads and Rolls
Freeze sliced loaves whole, then separate them into portions that make sense to you (from a half-loaf to two slices), and bag them for freezing. Rolls can be frozen, then wrapped individually, or bagged in small groups. Portion baguettes and other unsliced loaves before freezing and bagging.
Pies and Pastries
Costco’s oversized pies, sweet or savory, are excellent candidates for freezing. Portion them into halves, quarters, or slices; freeze on a parchment-lined sheet pan; then wrap or bag the portions. Danishes and other pastries can be wrapped individually or divided into smaller bags; freeze them first if bagging together to avoid sticking.
Muffins and Cakes
Muffins and cakes are some of the most easily squished baked goods, so they need to be frozen before you package them. If you find Costco’s jumbo muffins too big, halve them before freezing. Cakes can be frozen whole or in smaller portions down to the individual slice, whichever works for you. Just remember to freeze them on a sheet pan first, and if you’re putting multiple slices in the same bag, separate them with parchment paper.

Meats, Fish, or Poultry
A Costco-sized pack of meat, fish, or poultry will often rival the price of a loss leader at your local supermarket and typically offers superior quality, making it a better deal. Here’s how best to freeze these protein sources.

Steaks and Chops
Divide the steaks or chops into meal-sized portions, or wrap or bag them individually. If bagging multiple pieces, freeze them first and put parchment paper in between.
Roasts and Large Cuts
Roasts can be frozen whole, or broken down into smaller roasts, stew meat, stir-fry strips, or individual steaks and chops. Once the pieces are cut, wrap and freeze them individually.
Whole Fish or Fillets
Large fillets can be frozen whole for a big meal or cut up for several smaller ones. Bulk packs of smaller fillets can be divided and frozen, similar to steaks or chops. Whole fish can be frozen individually or filleted, depending on your needs and expertise. Skin-on portions will usually be scaled when you buy them, but you should always double-check. They’re easier to scale (or skin) before portioning.
Rotisserie Chickens
Costco’s famous rotisserie chickens are so popular and well priced that recipes calling for the leftovers are practically an industry in their own right. Shredding and portioning the chicken into freezer bags ensures you’ll always be able to knock out one of those quick meals. Plus, you can use the carcass to make delicious broth.
When Costco offers butter at a good price, it’s definitely worth it to stock up. Butter freezes beautifully and is already portioned, so it’s no fuss. If you plan to use it within a month or two, there’s no need for wrapping; for longer storage, a bag or storage container can prevent it from developing off flavors.

Fresh Produce
Finally, let’s look at which produce items are best suited for freezing. Scoring a deal on a large quantity of fruits or vegetables is an excellent way to stretch your grocery budget, but not all candidates are ideal for freezing. Certain items freeze better than others, and some (looking at you, potatoes) just aren’t worth it, because they’re cheap and plentiful.
A quick online search, or a look through your supermarket’s frozen section, reveals the best vegetables to freeze. But this raises another question: Are you better off just buying them frozen? Commercially blast-frozen produce is often higher quality than home-frozen, so if a bag of prefrozen vegetables is comparable to the price of fresh, you’re usually better off skipping the extra work.

How To Freeze Vegetables
Most vegetables freeze better if you blanch them first in boiling water for 30 seconds or more, and then cool them rapidly in ice water. (Refer to the National Center for Home Food Preservation for detailed instructions.) Drain the vegetables thoroughly before freezing them on a parchment-lined sheet pan and bagging them. Some vegetables, such as bell peppers or mushrooms, are best if sliced, briefly sautéed, then frozen in single-serving portions.
How To Freeze Fruits
Unlike vegetables, most fruits don’t require blanching, but those that are prone to browning, such as bananas, peaches, or apples, should be dunked in diluted lemon juice or a commercial anti-browning solution first. Your best bet for most fruits is cutting them into bite-sized pieces and freezing them on a sheet before bagging. Berries should also be frozen this way, though only the largest will need to be cut.
Tip: If you’re freezing apples or peaches for a pie, you can sweeten them, add the starch and spices, bag the mixture, and freeze it in your pie plate so the fruit assumes the right shape.