If you’ve ever bought or inherited a cast-iron skillet, you’ve surely been told two things about it: that it’s the best way to cook, and that proper cleaning is of the utmost importance. The problem is, you’re usually told what not to do: Don’t soak it in water, don’t use too much soap, and whatever…

Skip the Soap

You’d think this supposedly essential piece of cookware was a Fabergé egg from the way some of its proponents talk about it, but it’s actually quite hardy — as long as you know what to do with it. The secret, as with many of the dishes you’ll be cooking with your cast-iron skillet, is salt.

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That might sound counterintuitive, as salt is hard and coarse, but because it’s softer than your pan, there’s no risk of scratching the cookware. The process is simple and requires 2 to 3 tablespoons of kosher salt. It needs to be coarse; otherwise, there won’t be enough abrasion to effectively clean the pan.

Cleaning Cast Iron With Salt

After cooking, and while the skillet is still warm, use a damp, nonscratch scrub pad or a scrub brush with stiff bristles to gently scour it, rinsing away any loose food particles with a bit of warm water.


Dry your skillet, then pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of kosher salt onto the cooking surface. Using a folded-up paper towel or a dry kitchen towel, rub the salt into the pan, targeting any stubborn spots. When the skillet is sufficiently clean, toss the salt in the trash.

Rinse the skillet again with warm water and dry it thoroughly. Place it on the stovetop, and heat it on medium-low for about five minutes — until you see a bit of smoke rising from it. This will get rid of any remaining moisture, keeping your skillet rust-free.

Turn off the burner and allow the pan to cool. When it’s safe to handle, pour ¼ teaspoon of cast-iron seasoning oil — or another cooking oil with a high smoke point such as vegetable or canola oil — onto the cooking surface. Take a paper towel or a clean kitchen towel and rub the oil all over the skillet to coat it without leaving behind any excess. After that, store it in your preferred spot and look forward to your next meal with less cooked-on residue.
